What's Green Timer?
Green Timer(URL: http://code.google.com/p/greentimer, Chinese name: 绿色报时器) is a little software that can notify you to do something, by displays a little message bolloon in the rightdown position of you screen. It can notity you to have a rest every one hours, or notify you to call a customer tomorrow morning.
So, you won't forget anything important now.
Green Timer aim at a good time managment habit for you. When you can arrange your time rightly, you will find out that your job turnning easy, and you may find that you can spend more time staying with your family. So we call it "Green Timer".
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A song of Chang-gan (The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter)
I love "Tang Shi" ( the Poems of Tang dynasty ) from Childhood. Among so many poets of Tang dynasty, I love Li Bai most. I woud do some translation work for this great poet, if I have time.
Today I saw a translation of "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter", which is a famous poem of Li Bai. To my surprise, I cann't understand what is this poem saying. I planed to find the original Chinese version and at last I understand now: their are some misunderstand in the translation. It's funny, yes?
Here is a better version:
Another translation:
A Trader's Wife
Li Bai
My forehead covered by my hair cut straight,
I played with flowers pluck'd before the gate.
On hobbyhorse you came upon the scene,
Around the well we played with plumes still green.
We lived, close neighbors on Riverside Lane,
Carefree and innocent, we children twain.
At fourteen years when I became your bride,
I'd often turn my bashful face aside.
Hanging my head, I'd look towards the wall,
A thousand times I'd not answer your call.
At fifteen years when I composed my brows,
To mix my dust with yours were my dear vows.
Rather than break faith, you declared you'd die.
Who knew I'd live alone in a tower high?
I was sixteen when you went far away,
Passing Three Gorges studded with rocks grey,
Where ships were wrecked when spring flood ran high,
Where gibbons' wails seemed coming from the sky.
Green moss now overgrows before our door,
Your footprints, hidden, can be seen no more.
Moss can't be swept away, so thick it grows,
And leaves fall early when the west wind blows.
The yellow butterflies in autumn pass
Two by two o'er our western garden grass.
This sight would break my heart and I'm afraid,
Sitting alone, my rosy cheeks would fade.
Oh, when are you to leave the Western land?
Do not forget to let me know beforehand!
I'll walk to meet you and not call it far
To go to Long Wind Sands or where you are.
Today I saw a translation of "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter", which is a famous poem of Li Bai. To my surprise, I cann't understand what is this poem saying. I planed to find the original Chinese version and at last I understand now: their are some misunderstand in the translation. It's funny, yes?
Here is a better version:
Another translation:
A Trader's Wife
Li Bai
My forehead covered by my hair cut straight,
I played with flowers pluck'd before the gate.
On hobbyhorse you came upon the scene,
Around the well we played with plumes still green.
We lived, close neighbors on Riverside Lane,
Carefree and innocent, we children twain.
At fourteen years when I became your bride,
I'd often turn my bashful face aside.
Hanging my head, I'd look towards the wall,
A thousand times I'd not answer your call.
At fifteen years when I composed my brows,
To mix my dust with yours were my dear vows.
Rather than break faith, you declared you'd die.
Who knew I'd live alone in a tower high?
I was sixteen when you went far away,
Passing Three Gorges studded with rocks grey,
Where ships were wrecked when spring flood ran high,
Where gibbons' wails seemed coming from the sky.
Green moss now overgrows before our door,
Your footprints, hidden, can be seen no more.
Moss can't be swept away, so thick it grows,
And leaves fall early when the west wind blows.
The yellow butterflies in autumn pass
Two by two o'er our western garden grass.
This sight would break my heart and I'm afraid,
Sitting alone, my rosy cheeks would fade.
Oh, when are you to leave the Western land?
Do not forget to let me know beforehand!
I'll walk to meet you and not call it far
To go to Long Wind Sands or where you are.
长干行 |
作者: 李白 |
妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。 十六君远行,瞿塘滟�堆。 五月不可触,猿声天上哀。 门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。 苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。 八月蝴蝶黄,双飞西园草。 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 早晚下三巴,预将书报家。 相迎不道远,直至长风沙。 |
【按】全诗活泼动人,感情细腻,缠绵婉转;语言坦白,音节和谐;格调清新隽永,是诗歌艺术上品。尤其"青梅竹马""两小无猜"为千古佳语。 |
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